Thursday, May 14, 2020

Analysis of Three Cultures of Management and Domain Theory Free Essay Example, 2250 words

While operating complex activities and unanticipated occurrences, operator culture brings workers together by creating interdependency to formulate adaptable strategies for teamwork to accomplish the impending task. Schein, however, indicates that operator culture is often met with rules especially in the case of unpredictable conditions. Schein (1996, p. 13) points out that the simmering problem with the operators is that they understand well that for the job to be well done then they must involve innovation and personal skills in solving problems as not set out in the rules. However, this becomes difficult due to a lack of incentive or managerial support defined to compensate such efforts. The result of such speculations is operators subversion of the true and more practical strategies to rely on the set rules. In the observation of Schein (1996, p. 15), executive culture mainly applies to the individual CEOs who get promoted to the rank after passing through other levels of organ izational management. The executive culture is mainly focused on maintaining and ensuring the adaptable financial health of the individual organization. As outlined by Schein (1996:13), there occurs a difference in role between the CEO appointed from among the founders or family heading the organization and the promoted CEO. We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis of Three Cultures of Management and Domain Theory or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now The former type of CEO exercises broader focus and assumptions in the organization while the latter type of CEO focuses mostly on the financial performance of the organization. Since promoted CEOs have high experiences while they rise up the hierarchy with a longitudinal increase in responsibility, it becomes difficult for them to manage every level of organizational operation and therefore needs to set strategic information systems (Schein1996, p. 13). Doing this enables executives to ensure maximum accountability in every aspect of their operation. The executive culture also makes individual promoted executives become impersonal since they handle broader organizations and departmental managers who exhibit similar competence.

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